CCTV 열람에 드는 비용은 열람요구자가 부담함
「개인정보 보호법」 제35조 제1항 및 「표준 개인정보 보호지침』 제44조 제1항에 따라 정보주체는 영상정보처리기기운영자가 처리하는 개인영상정보에 대하여 열람 또는 존재확인을 해당 운영자에게 요구할 수 있도록 하였고, 이러한 요구를 받은 운영자는 지체없이 필요한 조치를 취해야 함
- 영상정보처리기기운영자는 사전에 공개한 열람절차와 방법에 따라 열람을 실시하되. 정보주체 이외의 자의 개인영상정보를 알아볼 수 없도록 모자이크 등 비식별조치를 취한 후 열람물을 제공해야 함
- 한편, 같은 법 시행령 제47조에 개인(영상)정보처리자는 개인정보 열람요구를 한 정보주체에게 필요한 실비의 범위에서 비용을 청구할 수 있도록 하였으므로 열람요구자가 비용을 부담함
The cost of accessing CCTV footage is borne by the requester.
According to Article 35, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act and Article 44, Paragraph 1 of the Standard Guidelines for Personal Information Protection, individuals have the right to request access or confirmation of the existence of personal video information processed by operators of video processing devices. Upon receiving such requests, operators must promptly take necessary measures.
Operators of video processing devices must conduct access according to the pre-disclosed access procedures and methods. However, before providing access, they must take de-identification measures, such as mosaic, to ensure that individuals other than the data subject cannot identify personal video information.
Furthermore, under Article 47 of the same Enforcement Decree, personal (video) information processors are allowed to charge fees to the data subject making an information access request, within the necessary actual expenses. Therefore, the requester is responsible for bearing the costs associated with the access request.
CCTV 열람에 드는 비용은 열람요구자가 부담함
「개인정보 보호법」 제35조 제1항 및 「표준 개인정보 보호지침』 제44조 제1항에 따라 정보주체는 영상정보처리기기운영자가 처리하는 개인영상정보에 대하여 열람 또는 존재확인을 해당 운영자에게 요구할 수 있도록 하였고, 이러한 요구를 받은 운영자는 지체없이 필요한 조치를 취해야 함
The cost of accessing CCTV footage is borne by the requester.
According to Article 35, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act and Article 44, Paragraph 1 of the Standard Guidelines for Personal Information Protection, individuals have the right to request access or confirmation of the existence of personal video information processed by operators of video processing devices. Upon receiving such requests, operators must promptly take necessary measures.
Operators of video processing devices must conduct access according to the pre-disclosed access procedures and methods. However, before providing access, they must take de-identification measures, such as mosaic, to ensure that individuals other than the data subject cannot identify personal video information.
Furthermore, under Article 47 of the same Enforcement Decree, personal (video) information processors are allowed to charge fees to the data subject making an information access request, within the necessary actual expenses. Therefore, the requester is responsible for bearing the costs associated with the access request.